Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Project 365

Selah. Stop. Listen. Reflect on what the Lord has done.

Sometimes it’s hard to stop. And listen. And reflect. It’s no secret that I like to take pictures. And it’s no secret that we have a lot going on in our house right now. 5 kids in 6 years, and a 6th on the way. It’s hard to stop and listen sometimes. Sometimes I get so caught up in making pictures look pretty that I forget to capture our everyday life, cause, let's face it, our everyday life isn't always pretty. I usually don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but this year, I decided to start a project. A Project 365. I decided to take a picture every day for one full year to capture our normal, everyday life. I quickly realized that one picture a day isn’t enough. I also realized that taking pictures of our everyday life makes me stop and enjoy moments that I normally don’t. 

Stop. Listen. Reflect on what the Lord has done. 

The Lord has blessed our family in so many ways. And taking pictures gives me a chance to stop and reflect on that. So for the next 361 days, I will be taking pictures (I started a little late on the resolution thing), and I will be posting. I may not post every day, but I will be taking pictures. And stopping. And enjoying the little moments that God has given us.